Thursday, January 27

Not thinking in a spoken or written language

Language in the context of thinking is only practical in organizing your thoughts into something you perceive as coherent. Because we rely on communication, and the input of language, we like to communicate our own thoughts back to ourselves in a "language" that we are comfortable with. What you are identifying as "thinking" is probably just a side effect of your brain trying to comfort you or fill in the space in between external stimuli.

You are not aware of most of your thoughts. They work by association. Like if when you see someone you don't like you dont think "I dont like him" you just experience your negative association. Hot associate with burn. Cup associated with shape. Same with blind people. Language has definitely expanded the possible complexity of thought unless the blind person invented all own concepts.


  1. wah english banget -___-

    aku coba memahami isinya, maksudnya seperti don't judge the book by it's cover

    jangan menilai orang dari penampilan luarnya, bisa jadi dia seseorang yg lebih baik dari kita

  2. Hehehe iya setuju sama pendapat agan!

    Tapi maksud tulisan saya itu: cara berfikir kita itu bukan melalui kata2, tapi secara refleks nalar dari apa yang kita lihat, atau rasa kalau untuk orang buta.
