Saturday, August 9

Hope for dummies

Life would be so easy if I were a girl... If you were a pretty girl, yes. There are 2 cheat codes in life, and they are "pretty girl" and "rich"

Making money doing something you love is a dream that only dumb people hope for, and that only incredibly lucky people are able to do

Everyone else eventually grows up and accepts the fact that to be an "adult" with a job, money, house, apartment, etc means to be miserable. The time you aren't working or sleeping is time you spend fruitlessly trying to recapture the happiness that you've lost by selling your life away for far less money than it is worth. It rarely works, and it a viscious cycle because you just spend the money that you earn trying to be happy.

Sorry it's so depressing, but that's what life is. The most you could reasonably hope for is to make decent money doing something that you at least don't hate.

Doing something you 'like' and getting paid? Hah!

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