Sunday, October 31

Perseverance only takes you so far

The beauty of life.

Mystery and adventure.

Everyone out there seeks some sort of solution, escape, or salvation, and somewhere out there, it exists. Somewhere out there, is the solution to everybody's problems. No matter what.

Somewhere out there is that one movie that you've never seen or book you've never read or song you've never heard or game you've never played, but if you do it would become your favorite of all time. Somewhere out there is that one job that's just right for you. Somewhere out there is the professional who knows the loophole that you can exploit if you still want food on your table. Somewhere out there, there is that one girl or guy who would fuck you regardless of how unattractive or disfigured you are.

And one thing that I find most unfair about this world, is that the people who died unhappy, didn't die that way because what they were looking for didn't exist. It is because it did exist, and probably still does. They just couldn't find it. I don't know whether or not to take comfort in the thought that even if you find the "solution, escape, or salvation", you'll have a new problem that requires a new "solution, escape, or salvation" the next day.

People will never be happy or satisfied, it's just part of being human. Evolution made us that way because that longing for the solution made us better animals.

You know what I think the saddest thing about life is?

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