Monday, January 10

I define myself by what I do not do

Smoking is just disgusting. Drinking is overrated. Drugs can be fun, but on a whole they are pointless. Porn is okay, I guess but it's not needed really. I am doing pretty well without all of those things. I realize that there is a vast difference in how I think about being inexperienced in those areas for men and women. Femininity probably lets you get away with most of this. I just find it fascinating that people will say that they want to meet somebody 'innocent' and yet spend their whole time attempting to destroy it. Where is the good in that? Does it matter? Will you change if you consider yourself too prudish?

As long as you're not judgmental of people who do choose to do those things, then it really shouldn't be a problem. But you should always know that your friends are going to pressure you. It's not necessarily a malicious thing, or an attempt to "destroy your innocence." Chances are, they just want you to have fun with them. Or what they're really trying to say when they're pressuring you into trying new things is that you're boring as fuck.

I've known way too many people who don't drink or do anything but spend all time with people who do and bring everyone else around down. They seriously just want the prudish to get high so she can come out of your shell or get the fuck away so they can have some fun. Nobody has the heart to tell her though. But does doing these things automaticly make her an interesting person?

Is there a specific reason why I abstain completely from all these things? My opinion is that my decisions are just fine as long as I am not all high and mighty about it. There's a difference between doing these things and being out of control. Alcohol is a pretty linear thing, you drink more, you get more drunk. Drink a little, and there's no loss of control whatsoever while still increasing fun levels. This is what I want. We already have millions of uncouth drunken sluts littering the planet, stop trying to corrupt one of the very few that isn't.

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