Monday, June 14

Feels peaceful, man

I haven't gone anywhere because I want to in a long time. I go out but mostly only because I have to. I don't count stuff like doing internship or college or stuff my mom suggests I go to. I have set a goal to change my social life over the summer.

I read about people partying and "clubbing" and whatnot more often these days on Facebook and feel like it's just me. Never been to a party, never cared about them, never wanted to go to them, etc. I just never get invited anywhere, never take initative of anything. Feel bad about it sometimes, but it's just the way I am, I guess. The vast majority of my times is still spent at work or in my dark, air conditioned room.

Not as much as I used to be. I'm not a complete social alien, I just keep to myself and associate with other human beings sparsely.  I dont have a hard time talking to people, I actually like talking and i get hyper around others. I do have a girlfriend. I do go to school and have a job.  I have a few friends IRL, dont see them often. If I had friends like the ones I have online and talk to daily I'd be a pretty fucking happy man.

I know people but there's very little connection, when I look at them I don't see individuals I just see a "human", it's kind of like noticing a car rather than the people driving the car, you acknowledge there presence only in the moment and then you move on with your day and forget their existence.

I'm a shut in but I hate it. I sit at home alone all day miserably, then when my friends invite me to go out with them I end up leaving early because I'd rather be alone at home. Then once I get home I feel like I'm wasting my youth sitting on the computer all day and get depressed again.

I hate being a shut in.. clubbing however is overrated unless you're drinking/on-something.

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